School Life

Spiritual Life

Warmly Embracing All Faith Traditions

At St. Catherine's, we hold a deep reverence for each girl's spiritual journey, dedicating time to prayer, reflection and matters of the heart. Our Episcopal identity serves as a guiding light, leading us to warmly embrace all faith traditions.

Chapel services are the vibrant heartbeat of our School community and an integral part of the St. Catherine's experience. Students come together to not only celebrate the church but to explore the world around us and mark special events in our school's life.

In the tradition of the Episcopal Church, we follow the sacred liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer. Yet, we do so with open arms, welcoming voices from diverse religious and nonreligious backgrounds. We faithfully live out the Baptismal covenant, upholding the dignity of all people.
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We encourage our students and faculty across all divisions to play an active role in leading worship – from reading and speaking to performing and serving as acolytes and ushers. Middle and Upper School students may take part in worship planning committees and join the Altar Guild.

Our Episcopal Identity

St. Catherine’s Episcopal identity is expressed through the following principles and ideas as articulated by the National Association of Episcopal Schools (NAES):
  • School Worship that is creative, inclusive, draws fully upon the liturgical resources of The Episcopal Church and is a regular part of school life for all faculty and students.
  • Community Life, in which reflection, prayer and matters of the spirit are honored and cultivated and the physical, mental and emotional health of all is supported and nurtured.
  • Religious formation and study that is meaningful, academically substantive and age-appropriate; and in teaching the Christian tradition, which fosters dialogue with other faith traditions.
  • Social justice, which is the integration of the ideas and concepts of equity, justice and a just society throughout the life of the school; the embracing and honoring of diversity, and the inclusion of service learning as an integral part of the life of the School.

Our Patron Saint: Saint Catherine of Alexandria

Catherine of Alexandria, Egypt, is a Christian martyr who died in the fourth century CE. She is known as the patron saint of scholars and philosophers. In keeping with our Episcopal tradition, our School commemorates the life of St. Catherine annually. Every year, our faculty, staff and Upper School students elect a senior who best exemplifies the values of St. Catherine. 
Located in the heart of Richmond, Virginia, St. Catherine’s School is a private, all-girls pre-K, kindergarten, elementary, middle and high school. We provide a well-rounded educational experience for girls from communities across Richmond, Chesterfield, Henrico and all of central Virginia. St.Catherine’s all-girls educational experience is rooted in more than a century of history and tradition. From our revolutionary past to our dynamic present, St. Catherine’s has always focused on preparing students for a boundless future.