School Calendar

Major Dates 2025-2026

2025-2026 School Year

To help your family plan ahead, listed below are the key dates for the 2025-2026 school year.

August 11 Athletics pre-season begins
August 11-14 Ampersand Auditions (Auditions August 11 & 12, Callbacks August 14)
August 25 First day for grades 9-12
August 26 First day for EL-grade 8
August 28 Middle School Back to School Night
September 1 Labor Day: School Holiday
September 3 Lower School Back to School Night
September 4 Upper School Back to School Night
October 13 Fall Break, School Holiday
October 24 Lower/Middle School Conference Day; Extended Day Open
November 3 Student Holiday; Professional Development Day
November 26-December 1 School Holiday; Thanksgiving Holiday
December 2 Classes Resume
December 19 Early Dismissal for Christmas Break (Lower School at 11:30 a.m. following Gift Service, Middle School noon, Upper School after last exam)
December 20-January 4 Christmas Break

January 5 Classes Resume
January 19 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, School holiday
January 20 Student Holiday, Professional Development Day
January 28 Upper School Student-Led Conference Day
February 16 Presidents’ Day, School Holiday
March 6 Early Dismissal for Spring Break EL-grade 1, 11:30 a.m.; Grades 2-12, noon
March 7-16 Spring Break
March 16 Student Holiday, Professional Development
March 17 Classes Resume
April 3 Good Friday Early Dismissal EL-grade 1, 11:30 a.m.; Grades 2-12, noon
April 6 Easter Monday, School Holiday
April 17 Lower/Middle School Conference Day; Extended Day Open
April 24-25 Daisy Days
May 22 School holiday, St. Christopher’s Class of 2026 Commencement
May 22 Class of 2026 Baccalaureate
May 23 St. Catherine’s Class of 2026 Commencement
May 25 Memorial Day, School Holiday
May 27 Last Day of School (EL - Grade 1)
May 28 Lower School Final Assembly for Grades 2-4, Dismissal following Final Assembly
May 29 Middle School Final Assembly
May 29 Last Day of School - Middle and Upper School
Located in the heart of Richmond, Virginia, St. Catherine’s School is a private, all-girls pre-K, kindergarten, elementary, middle and high school. We provide a well-rounded educational experience for girls from communities across Richmond, Chesterfield, Henrico and all of central Virginia. St.Catherine’s all-girls educational experience is rooted in more than a century of history and tradition. From our revolutionary past to our dynamic present, St. Catherine’s has always focused on preparing students for a boundless future.